If you do business in Windsor, you are invited to attend our twice-monthly morning networking meeting called "Windsor Business Connections". The meetings are open to non-Chamber members as well as members, and take place promptly at 8:00 am at the Windsor Chamber of Commerce office (261 Broad Street, Windsor) with coffee provided by The Beanery at Bart's on Palisado Avenue in Windsor. Attendees all have a chance to introduce themselves and their business briefly, listen as one person gets a 'three minute spotlight' to highlight their company. Often a discussion will take place on a business challenge like how to best make use of time, staying motivated, or being competitive in a difficult economy. There is also time given for attendees to give brief testimonials if they've used the services of others in the group. "It's a good way to network and to build your networking skills," says Executive Director of the Windsor Chamber of Commerce, Jane Garibay. The one hour meeting has been beneficial for many business people. Connections are made and referrals are naturally given as rapport and understanding is built between members. Chamber members do get an extra benefit - their business cards are entered into a drawing to win a free ad in an upcoming issue of the Chamber's weekly business eNewsletter. If you do business in Windsor, spread the word about your company and get people talking by attending Windsor Business Connections meetings. Please RSVP to 860-688-5165 or online at RSVP for the next meeting. One of the Windsor Chamber's core missions is to support local business by providing networking events and seminars so businesspeople can strengthen their skills and connections within the community. For more information, go to www.WindsorCC.org |