| ![click to expand](https://windsorcc.hostingct.com/getimage.asp?id=/visitors/calendar/shad-derby-5k-road/&filename=2017-shad-derby-5k-road-race-logo_1.jpg&mode=3) | | The Shad Derby 5k Road Race & Fun Walk sponsored by the Windsor Kiwanis will be held in Windsor Center on Shad Derby Day. The race now features electronic timing provided by the Last Mile Racing Co and for an additional fee on line registration.
The 5K Run and 2.5K Fun Walk will begin and end at the Elm and Broad Street (Route 159) intersection in Windsor Center, Windsor, Connecticut 06095. Registration will start at 8:45AM on race day. Start time is at 10:00AM for both the Run and Walk. Parking is available in Windsor Center and at Sage Park School. There is a discount for preregistration. The early registration discount will expire on the Wednesday before race day.
2017 Shad Derby Race Details 2017 Registration
The first 100 Run/Walk entries receive a free T-Shirt. Medallions will be awarded to the division place winners. Winners and times will also be posted on the Windsor Kiwanis Club's web site.
All of the proceeds from this year's race will go towards local organizations and projects including but not limited to the following: SAT Breakfast, Project Graduation, Kiwanis student backpack program, Windsor Police Cadets, Windsor Education Fund, the weekend backpack on wheels program, Team Paragon, Windsor Food and Fuel Bank (Canoe Race), support of the Windsor High School Kiwanis Key Club, the Sage Park Kiwanis Builders Club, the Clover Street School Kiwanis K-Kids Club and the JFK School Kiwanis K-Kids Club. ? Last year we awarded $4,000 in scholarships to Windsor high school seniors and over the last 49+ years over $90,000 has been awarded. |