> Racism and Your Small Business

June, 2020show full yearClose
Event:Racism and Your Small Business
Dates:Wednesdays in June
Time:4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
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No one can argue that the times we are living in are unlike anything we’ve witnessed before. There is no playbook for how to respond to the violent acts of racial injustice that have been exposed across the country. At the Women's Business Development Council (WBDC), we plan to do our part to contribute to a societal shift towards inclusion and equity, and we’d like you to participate.

Consistent with our mission of educating and supporting women-owned businesses, we are launching a series to provide a forum for dialogue focused on how small business owners have been impacted by recent events. In this 3-part series, we’ll bring together a panel of prominent women to start a conversation and explore the steps you can take to make a difference. History is calling upon us now to galvanize with our sisters of color and seize this moment to support them whenever and wherever we can. Let’s begin the process of change within our WBDC community. Please join us!

Click here to register.

Part 1 – Wednesday, June 10, 4:00
During this first session, we’ll begin to look, from the perspective of small business owners, at where we are as a society and how we got here.
What have you seen happening as a result of our current social climate in your business community?
What resources do you, as a small business owner, have to help you respond?
What message, if any, have you shared with your employees and/or your clients?

Parts 2 and 3 – Wednesdays, June 17 and 24, 4:00
In these next two sessions, we will take a closer look at how you can develop a plan for your business’ response. We’ll provide resources and guidance that can help you shape your message and develop an action plan as you take steps to build a culture of inclusion in your organization and beyond.

Our panelists for this series are:
- Britt-Marie Cole-Johnson, Esq., Partner, Robinson + Cole LLP
- Robin Imbrogno, President, The Human Resource Consulting Group
- Joelle A. Murchison, Founder & Principal, ExecMommyGroup LLC

WBDC CEO Fran Pastore will moderate the discussion.

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