| ![click to expand](https://windsorcc.hostingct.com/getimage.asp?id=/visitors/calendar/abcs-of-genealogy-part-1/&filename=ABCs-Genealogy-9.5.19.png&mode=3) | | Please join us for an illuminating series of sessions introducing people to the ABCs of Genealogy at Windsor Historical Society. The sessions take place September 5, 12, and 18, 2019 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Genealogy research can be rewarding and frustrating at the same time. Knowing where to look (it’s NOT all on the internet!) can make your adventure more gratifying and less of a major task.
In three separate sessions led by Dave Robison, free and fee-based websites, libraries, archives, courthouses, and other places to find genealogical resource materials will be discussed. Different types of documents and what they can tell us about our ancestors will also be covered, including birth, marriage, and death records, wills, pension records, land records, census records, and records for immigration and naturalization. Common pitfalls will be covered, as well as effective online research strategies.
Dave Robison is well known among genealogical researchers. He is president of the New England Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists and of the Connecticut Society of Genealogists. He is a frequent speaker across New England. While these sessions provide an excellent introduction to the field of genealogy, more experienced researchers will also find valuable tips and have the chance to ask questions of Robison.
The cost for each session is $6 for adults, $5 for seniors, and $4 for Windsor Historical Society members. (This is a huge bargain. The class runs for $100+ at other sites!) You may sign up online through http://bit.ly/ABCGen1 or call 860-688-3813 for more information.