On Saturday, November 6th from 3:30 to 5 p.m., as part of the Windsor Chamber of Commerce's fifth Annual Windsor Wade and Tea Fair, you are invited to a tea and performance by entertainer Kandie Carle at the Windsor Historical Society. Enjoy delicious fancy sweet treats, tea and Kandie Carle's special Civil War "un"dress show. Ms. Carle's program starts as she dons undergarments the corseting, hoops and petticoats that gave Civil War-era dresses their shape. Clothing, accessories (fans, jewelry, hats, the contents of a lady's purse), the role of servants in the Victorian household, manners, and customs of the era will be shown. Ms. Carle will also talk about inventions of the era, home life, and life in the workplace. The program is lively -- a delightful mix of facts, humor and history. Your ticket includes a raffle to a tea-themed gift basket which includes a Wade teapot donated by Happy Wade-ing. Cost for the tea is $15 and it is open to all. Reservations must be made for this program. Contact the Windsor Chamber of Commerce at 860-688-5165 or go to their website www.windsorcc.org to make yours. Or you may call the Windsor Historical Society at 860-688-3813, extension 102. The Chamber website has a full schedule of events associated with the Tea Fair, which takes place at Birch Meadow Banquet Facility November 6th and 7th. A free shuttle will run from the Fair to Windsor Historical Society at 3 p.m., and back afterwards. The Windsor Historical Society is located at 96 Palisado Avenue (Route 159) and is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. General admission is $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students and free to children under 12 and WHS members. Call (860) 688-3813 or visit us on the web at www.windsorhistoricalsociety.org for directions to the Society and more information about programs. To receive e-reminders for public programs, please send your e-mail address to jalberti@windsorhistoricalsociety.org. 96 Palisado Avenue, Windsor, Connecticut 06095 Phone: (860- 688-3813) Fax: (860) 687-1633 E-mail: cermenc@windsorhistoricalsociety.org |