> What's Going on in Windsor

What's Going on in Windsor

May 26 - June 2, 2022
View our full online calendar.

Memorial Day Parade
Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day Parade
Windsor Resident Steve Porcaro Will Serve as Memorial Day Parade Marshal on Monday, May 30th
On Monday, May 30, 2022, an observance will be held at the Elm Grove Cemetery located in Poquonock beginning at 8:00 AM followed by a ceremony at Veteran’s Cemetery at 9:00 AM. Following the ceremony at Veteran’s Cemetery, the Memorial Day Parade will proceed to Windsor Town Hall via Poquonock Avenue. The parade usually arrives in the center of town between 9:45 AM and 10:00 AM. The 10:00 AM ceremony at town hall will include a special flag ceremony performed by members of Windsor scouting.
Greece - Land of Gods and Heroes

Greece - Land of Gods and Heroes
October 28 - November 5, 2022
9 Days, 7 Nights
$3,199 per person, double occupancy if booked by April 29, 2022 (New extended Early Bird Special Date of May 27, 2022!)

The Peloponnese is home to an extraordinary collection of archeological sites as well as stunning mountainous scenery and charming villages where a traditional way of life has remained unchanged for centuries. On this splendid cultural journey, trace 5,000 years of Greek history while exploring the country’s archeological treasures. Walk in the footsteps of Socrates on the Acropolis and examine artifacts of Athens’ Gold
Trails Day: Windsor Center Clean Up
Saturday, Jun 4, 2022

Trails Day: Windsor Center Clean Up
Celebrate Trails Day and Join First Town Downtown to keep Windsor Center looking beautiful! Now that snow has melted, we need help picking up trash that has accumulated around town, especially on our sidewalks and alleyways. Join our group of volunteers on Saturday, June 4, from 9:00-12:00 AM. We will provide gloves, trash bags and bottled water donated by Windsor ACE Hardware. Sign-up by emailing info@firsttowndowntown.org or RSVP on our website. Community service hours will be available to students and youth groups who assist! Hope to see you all there. Call 860-247-8982 or visit www.fi
Book Buzz Event
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Book Buzz Event
Are you a book enthusiast? Do you want to know what the next best book to read is? Are you part of a book club and are looking for the next title to discuss? Join the Main Library in our Meeting Room 1 for a Book Buzz Event to discuss books and reading on Thursday, May 26 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Registration Required. Free. 860-285-1918. To register, please visit www.windsorlibrary.com.
Second Annual Clothing Drive
May 28, 2022

Second Annual Clothing Drive
The Connecticut Cat Connection will be kicking off it’s second annual clothing donation drive this Saturday, April 23rd, and will run every week through June 18th. C.C.C. works in partnership with Saver’s Thrift stores’ FUNDrive Program,which recompenses the Cat Connection monetarily, for all
collected donations. Items accepted include gently-used clothing, linens, curtains, towels, shoes, belts, back-packs, blankets, pillows and bedding. Donations can be dropped off at the adoption center, located at 40 Stevens Mill Lane,Windsor, CT. Please gather clothes and household textiles in bag
First Town Chat

First Town Chat
Stop by FTDT from 11 am to noon on Friday to learn about First Town projects and hear how you can get involved! Our office is located at 161 Broad Street. We look forward to talking with you. Please RSVP at 860-247-8982.

Add To Calendar: 1/31/101/171/24
38th Annual Windsor Chamber Cares Auction

38th Annual Windsor Chamber Cares Auction
The 38th Windsor Chamber Cares Auction , presented by Windsor Federal , returns on Friday, June 10, 2022 to a fun-filled in-person event where we’ll be bringing back fun with a celebration of the 1980s – so bring your mullets, teased perms, turquoise and pink attire, and spandex leggings.

Get Your Tickets Now!
Join in the totally gnarly fun on Friday, June 10, 2022 at 6pm . For the first time, the auction will take place at the Mill Brook Clubhouse, 147 Pigeon Hill Road in Windsor , overlooking the beautiful Mill Brook Open Space. This is going to be a fun, and safe event with supe
Windsor Art Center Exhibit
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Windsor Art Center Exhibit
We are pleased to present our latest exhibition, Acceptance Through the Ages

Artists in the LGBTQIA+ community are using their artwork to address coming out, acceptance by friends and family and, most importantly, acceptance of self and how that has changed over the last 50 years.

The Art Center will host a series of events highlighting the LGBTQIA+ community throughout May and June.
Memorial Day Closing
Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day Closing
Memorial Day Closing
Monday, May 30, All Day
The Main Library and the Wilson Branch will close on Monday, May 30 in honor of the Memorial Day Holiday.
Please check out the Town’s website for more information on observances and the parade.
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
May 31, 2022

Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks is back at the Windsor Public Library every Tuesday afternoon between 2:30 PM and 4:30 PM in Meeting Room 2, on the lower level. Drop in with your device and your questions, as always the advice is free.

Add To Calendar: 12/311/71/141/21
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
May 29, 2022

Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Have an art project you need materials and/or advice for? Stop into the studio classroom during open hours to use the space and materials for your personal project, and receive guidance from local artist Michelle Hawran (if you wish!)

You MUST sign up at least a day in advance to ensure no more than 4 students will be in the classroom at one time. Each student will have their own table and sanitized materials, and masks are required. If you are feeling sick, please to do not attend.

Sign ups are in one-hour increments, and the list of materials included in the classroom is as follows:
• P

Add To Calendar: 1/51/121/191/26

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Monthly Veteran's Coffee Hour
Dec 30 at L.P. Wilson
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Dec 31 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Jan 5, 2025 at Windsor Train Station Studios
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Jan 7, 2025 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
Transportation Comm. Mtg
Jan 7, 2025 at online
Ambassadors Committee Meeting
Jan 8, 2025 at online
Alzheimer's Support Group
Jan 9, 2025 at Virtual
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Tickborne Illness Support Group
Jan 11, 2025 at LP Wilson Community Center, 599 Matianuck Ave. Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Jan 12, 2025 at Windsor Train Station Studios
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Jan 14, 2025 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
Board of Directors Mtg
Jan 14, 2025 at online
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Jan 19, 2025 at Windsor Train Station Studios
Programs Committee Mtg
Jan 20, 2025 at online
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Jan 21, 2025 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Tickborne Illness Support Group
Jan 25, 2025 at LP Wilson Community Center, 599 Matianuck Ave. Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Jan 26, 2025 at Windsor Train Station Studios
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Jan 28, 2025 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
Transportation Comm. Mtg
Jan 7, 2025 at online
Ambassadors Committee Meeting
Jan 8, 2025 at online
Board of Directors Mtg
Jan 14, 2025 at online
Programs Committee Mtg
Jan 20, 2025 at online
Monthly Veteran's Coffee Hour
Dec 30 at L.P. Wilson
Monthly Veteran's Coffee Hour
Dec 30 at L.P. Wilson
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Dec 31 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Jan 5, 2025 at Windsor Train Station Studios
Monthly Veteran's Coffee Hour
Dec 30 at L.P. Wilson
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Dec 31 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT