> Nominate Windsor Bridge-Builders

Nominate Windsor Bridge-Builders


There still is time to nominate an individual, organization or business for the 12th annual "Windsor Bridge-Builders Awards." Anyone, of any age, may fill out an official nomination form for the awards. The deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, September 8, 2006.

The Windsor Bridge-Builders Awards is sponsored by the Town of Windsor's Human Relations Commission and by Citizens for a United Windsor (CUW), a grass-roots organization that works to foster greater trust, understanding, and solidarity across the full spectrum of Windsor's racial, ethnic, and religious diversity. The annual initiative showcases true community role models in human relations. This can include students who have worked toward greater understanding of others in their school or neighborhood.

Anyone, of any age, may fill out an official nomination form for the Windsor Bridge-Builders Awards. The deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, September 8, 2006.

Since its creation in 1995, the awards program has honored people like Sandra Baker, Florence Barlow, John F. Berky, the late William H. Best, Laura and Paul Broxterman, John C. Carmon, Tim Curtis, Anthony (Joe) Cymerys, Sharon Dillon-Rispoli, Mary Ann Doyle, Dr. Elizabeth Feser, Rita Fiero, Lynne Gillette, Marcia Hinckley, Fidelia (Fidie) Lane, Tom Lerario, Thomas G. Martin, Jr., James Mason, Nellie Holmes Mason, Kate and Hugh McLean, Feyla McNamara, Peggy and the late William Newport, Gaye Rizzo, the late Paul Sorbo, Len Swade, Bill Warner-Prouty, Elizabeth Waters, Cori-Lynn Webber, and groups such as Archer Memorial AME Zion Church of Windsor, First Church in Windsor-United Church of Christ, Friends of Northwest Park, Grace Episcopal Church's "Fun-in-Learning" program, The National Conference for Community & Justice (NCCJ) Conversations on Race program in Windsor, The Windsor Independent Living Association, the partnership of Wilson Congregational and Imani Fellowship Community Churches, and Windsor Federal Savings & Loan Association. Awards have been presented in memory of Stanley Cicero and William L. Perkins, III.

A panel of judges will review all entries. Three individuals, organizations, or businesses will be honored as Windsor Bridge-Builders at a ceremony and reception to be held on Thursday, October 26 at Windsor Town Hall in Council Chambers. The event will be open to the community and will be sponsored by Citizens for a United Windsor and the Town of Windsor's Human Relations Commission.

All nominees must live or work in Windsor. To be eligible, an individual, organization, or business must meet one or more of the following criteria:
Has promoted or promotes the elimination of racism and discriminatory attitudes and practices in Windsor;
Has worked or works to establish cooperative relationships with groups concerned with human relations;
Has promoted or promotes equal opportunities for all people in Windsor;
Has worked or works to further an understanding of a multicultural society in Windsor; and
Has worked or works to further communications and understanding between racial, ethnic, and religious groups in Windsor.

The following factors will be considered when the judges review the nomination forms:
Innovative contributions to individuals or the community;
Leadership; and
Quantity of volunteer time; and philanthropic gifts or other types of contributions.

Official nominations forms for the Windsor Bridge-Builders Awards are available at the Town Clerk's office in Town Hall, at the Main branch and the Wilson branches of the Windsor Public Library, and at L P. Wilson Community Center, outside of the Recreation Dept. Forms also may be downloaded at www.townofwindsorct.com. The deadline for nominations is Friday, September 8, 2005.

For more information about this awards program, call Diane McDougald at 285-1984 or Richard Armstrong at 285-0803.

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