> Administrative Assistant's Day

Administrative Assistant's Day

It's the middle of the twentieth century and there's an important group within American society that has had enough and wants a little bit of love. Which group was this? The powerful administrative assistants of America and they eventually got their wish when on June 4, 1952 the first National Secretaries Day was celebrated.

While Administrative Assistant's Day may not have the same cachet as other national holidays like Christmas and Easter or non-traditional holidays like St. Valentine's Day and Halloween, it is still an important day for a large portion of the country. Previously known as National Secretaries Day, Administrative Assistant's Day is a day that celebrates the unheralded part of the workforce that is responsible for doing the less than stimulating work needed to complete a project.

This annual event always takes place on the Wednesday of Administrative Professional's Week, which takes place on the last full week in April. Although Administrative Professional s Week is seven days of jammed pack fun, Administrative Assistant s Day remains the highlight of this exciting week. The purpose of Administrative Assistant's Day is to recognize and celebrate the work of office professionals that may have the job title of secretary or administrative assistant. Due to the changing nature of the workplace, the roles of these important workers have constantly shifted. However, one thing that hasn't changed is their fundamental contribution to their jobs.

As a result, Administrative Assistant's Day is a day where these valued and often overworked members of the workforce deserve to get some love. Gifts or even gift baskets are just some ways that you can celebrate Administrative Assistant's Day. Flowers, much like any other day in the year, are also an appreciated gift and are highly used gifts that are given on this day. For administrative assistants whose birthday also happens to reside on Administrative Assistant's Day, you shouldn't have to worry about people combining two occasions into one gift much like the dreaded Birthday-Christmas combination. People that truly respect Administrative Assistant's Day will know better and will provide you with both a birthday gift and perhaps some corporate gifts.

Already a half-century has passed of Administrative Assistant's Day and this popular holiday has become enshrined as a national holiday. Officially sponsored by the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP), the only things that have changed on Administrative Assistant's Day has been its name. Formerly known as Professional Secretaries Day, Administrative Assistant's Day will undoubtedly have its name changed in the future. That s because with shifting job responsibilities, these valued members of the workforce will need a holiday with a name that is appropriate to their duties. Despite these name changes, you can expect Administrative Assistant's Day to be a lively one at your work! Happy Administrative Assistant's Day all!

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First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Tickborne Illness Support Group
Feb 8 at LP Wilson Community Center, 599 Matianuck Ave. Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Feb 9 at Windsor Train Station Studios
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Feb 11 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
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Feb 11 at online
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Feb 16 at Windsor Train Station Studios
Programs Committee Mtg
Feb 17 at online
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Feb 18 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Tickborne Illness Support Group
Feb 22 at LP Wilson Community Center, 599 Matianuck Ave. Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Feb 23 at Windsor Train Station Studios
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Feb 25 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
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Mar 2 at L.P. Wilson
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Mar 2 at Windsor Train Station Studios
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Mar 4 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Tickborne Illness Support Group
Feb 8 at LP Wilson Community Center, 599 Matianuck Ave. Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Feb 9 at Windsor Train Station Studios
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Feb 11 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
Board of Directors Mtg
Feb 11 at online
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Tickborne Illness Support Group
Feb 8 at LP Wilson Community Center, 599 Matianuck Ave. Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Feb 9 at Windsor Train Station Studios