Windsor High School is once again offering a comprehensive program of transition activities (internships, etc) for special education students to assist them in preparing for life after high school. We look forward to partnering with Windsor businesses and organizations to provide opportunities for these students to develop their work skills. In-school training opportunities: The students in the Life Skills class are always looking for mailings to complete during their work study period. These skilled young men and women are capable of completing mailings which involve folding, stapling, collating, stuffing envelopes and applying labels. If your business or organization has a mailing coming up, please call Sue Kittredge at Windsor High School at 860-687-2020 (ext. 512) to make arrangements for our students to volunteer their services. Pick-up and delivery of materials to your business/organization is also available. Community-based opportunities: Job Shadows-Job shadows involve a small number of students, usually between 1 and 4, visiting a business or organization to meet with and observe a professional at work within a field of interest. Job shadows are typically scheduled for 1.5 to 3 hours and require just a one-time commitment for a business or organization. Job shadows give students a chance to see a real-world work environment that cannot be duplicated in the school setting. The chance to talk with a professional in the field is quite valuable to students who are considering pursuing post-secondary education or training in a particular field. Internships: Internships are unpaid opportunities for students which allow a more in-depth training experience within a business or organization. Students, supported by a school-provided job coach, participate in work activities at a community-based site for a period of several weeks to assess the students' interests and aptitudes with job tasks. Students typically attend an internship 1 to 2 times per week for the duration of the internship period. Please contact Sue Kittredge, WHS Transition Coordinator at 860-687-2020, ext. 512, if you have a mailing to be completed or if your business would be open to hosting a student for a job shadow or internship. |