> Severe Storm Cancels Wade & Tea Fair

Severe Storm Cancels Wade & Tea Fair

Severe Storm Cancels Wade & Tea Fair
It was with a heavy heart that we had to cancel the Windsor Wade & Tea Fair last weekend. The severe power outage that started on Saturday October 29th kept most of Windsor out of power till the day the fair should have been. Without knowing exactly when the power would come back on for the fair location: Town Hall, and the fair hotel: the Hyatt Summerfield Suites, we couldn't let people from all over the country (and Canada) start their days long trek to Windsor if there was a chance the fair couldn't go on. Postponing to the next weekend or a future date was considered, but most of the vendors weren't able to attend on the dates we tried.

We had great momentum this year with a record number of vendors of Wade and Tea goods and services, a Basics of Tea seminar, a Red Hat Happy Hour, and tea shopping experiences at Bill Selig Jewelers, Lucindas Beads, and of course, Patti's Treasures. It was going to be great!

We are still offering the 6th annual Fair special Wade pieces to the public for sale on our website or by calling in. The Wade teapot is a lovely Christmas ornament that we created and for which Wade make a new mold. It sells for $30 and is a commemorative for the 'fair that wasn't'. And the Pearly meerkat Wade was to be given free with $5 admission to the fair so we're selling it for $5 each. These are quickly selling out so may not be available for long. Sale of our Wade commission figurines will help defray the costs incurred for the fair that we just couldn't hold.

One bright spot is that the Beanery at Bart's will still be holding the Mother - Daughter Tea Party at a future date in December. Watch the Chamber website or Facebook page for details. CBT has offered to sponsor the American Girl Doll raffle prize and Tari Hann of BarbeeAndFriendsDollClothes.com donated handmade Pajamas and Slippers to go with the doll.

So, planning for the 7th annual Windsor Wade & Tea Fair is starting now. Keep us in mind for next November!

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Feb 18 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Tickborne Illness Support Group
Feb 22 at LP Wilson Community Center, 599 Matianuck Ave. Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Feb 23 at Windsor Train Station Studios
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Feb 25 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
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Jan 30 at L.P. Wilson
Monthly Veteran's Coffee Hour
Jan 30 at L.P. Wilson
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Feb 2 at Windsor Train Station Studios
Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Feb 4 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Feb 2 at Windsor Train Station Studios