The impetus for the change was the Town budget. For many years, the Town of Windsor has supported First Town Downtown financially with about $30,000 per year. When this year's budget came out, First Town Downtown's grant was decreased to $15,000. With very little other income being generated, the non-profit group would not have been able to survive. Knowing they might have to dissolve, talks started between representatives of First Town Downtown, the Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Windsor to discuss options that would keep First Town Downtown going. Since the Main Street program on which First Town Downtown was founded is a valid concept, it was decided that the organization needed a more solid foundation and better financial planning. Under Chamber management, and going back to the core four points of the Main Street program, the organization could be viable again. Researching the programs of other towns around the country showed that Main Street programs and Chambers of Commerce fit well together and can successfully work to benefit the town, its businesses and its residents. All parties agreed that First Town Downtown would remain its own organization with its 501(c)(3) status but come under the direction of the Windsor Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber board of directors was sworn in as the board of First Town Downtown and First Town's existing board are continuing supporting the organization through their continued work on the four committees that correspond to the four points of the Main Street program: Economic Enhancement, Promotions, Design, and Organization. Volunteers from the community are welcome and encouraged to participate. First Town Membership is now being sought out by businesses and residents alike who see that First Town will be able to move forward with its successful programs including the Farmers Market, Taste of Windsor and more. To join or learn more about First Town Downtown, go to For more information about the Windsor Chamber of Commerce, please go to |