The February event was hosted by Vantis Life Insurance Company on Day Hill Road in their contemporary office space on the third floor. A wide range of delicious finger foods ranging from speciality quiche and falafel to meatballs, chicken sticks and mini-dogs made by the Beanery at Bart's was available on beautifully arranged catering tables throughout the spacious quarters including the state of the art board room where each attending business person had the chance to introduce him or herself and give a brief introduction. Many new faces were seen, including several non-members, who attend for a small fee as they learn more about the Windsor Chamber. Most become members once they experience the value of Chamber networking events. Peter L. Tedone, President and CEO of Vantis Life, hospitably welcomed the crowd and introduced them to the national company. Marjory Berky, Executive Assistant, planned and executed the evening with flair and ensured everyone got the most out of the event. At the end of the evening, Vantis offered several raffle prizes with donations going to the Windsor Chamber of Commerce in appreciation for the opportunity to invite the 40 plus attendees into their business. Business people do well to attend Chamber networking events, as they provide quality time to meet and build relationships with other local business people and make good connections for the future. For photos of this event and more information about the Windsor Chamber of Commerce, please go to |