The Windsor Chamber of Commerce and First Town Downtown, with the support of Bill Selig Jewelers, will be collecting backpacks for middle school students in Windsor. You can donate a backpack alone, a backpack with all the needed items, or a monetary donation and we will purchase the backpacks and supplies. The cost of the backpack with a majority of the items listed below is about $55. You can pick them up at at Ocean State Job Lot or Target right here in Windsor. Please drop off your check or backpacks at Bill Selig Jewelers (161 Broad Street - see for hours), the Windsor Chamber office (261 Broad Street from 9am-12pm or 1-3pm) or you can bring them to the concert on the green on August 22nd. Fill the Back Pack Items needed to start school · No. 2 pencils · Mechanical Pencils · Colored pencils · Pencil sharpener (hand held with a top to collect shavings) · A large pink eraser · Ballpoint pens (get a few red ink ones too because some teachers have students do peer editing) · Highlighters · Spiral bound or composition notebooks · Loose leaf notebook paper (teachers can be picky about paper. Some Middle Schools ask that students use the college ruled variety) · A ruler with English and Metric measurements Organizational Helpers · Several three-ring binders (some teachers require that a binder be used exclusively for their class) · A three-hole punch (a regular one or one that fits in a three-ring binder) · A pencil case that fits in a binder · Binder dividers (the kids with pockets are good for loose papers) · Pocket folders · Folders that fit in binders · A small notebook to record assignments · A sturdy, supportive Backpack (some schools do not permit rolling backpacks because of space considerations, so check with your school before considering this option) · Index cards, ruled and un-ruled (these are great for making flash cards · Calculator For more information, please call First Town Downtown at 860-588-5175 or the Windsor Chamber of Commerce at 860-688-5165 or go to or |