1. Become a member of your local Chamber. It's money well spent. 2. If you're already a member, run for the Chamber board. 3. Encourage other businesses to join. 4. Volunteer to help with Chamber events. 5. Go to meetings. 6. Support other Chamber members' businesses and thank them for being a part of the Chamber. 7. Network with other Chamber members with complimentary businesses and create a co-op marketing group. 8. Take your business needs to your Chamber board and ask for them to consider researching or adding services you need. 9. Take your concerns about the Chamber directly to the director or Chamber president. Don't gossip, it's damaging to your whole town. 10. Offer your skills and expertise to other businesses through a presentation for your Chamber. 11. Link to your Chamber's web site on your own site. 12. Link to other Chamber members. 13. Hold a Chamber mixer at your business. 14. Advocate for your Chamber at city council meetings. 15. Send a letter to the editor at your local newspaper talking up what your Chamber does for your town. 16. Thank your Chamber board often for its service to your town and business community. 17. Share your experiences of Chamber or community best practices that you have observed working well in other communities. 18. Take advantage of those special marketing opportunities the Chamber creates. 19. Support your Chamber's visitor center and relocation marketing efforts with advertising and by displaying your materials in their office or visitor center. 20. Keep your business information updated. When things change, call instead of waiting for someone from the Chamber to call you. 21. Refer your customers to other Chamber members and tell the other businesses that you are doing it. 22. Become a sponsor of one of your Chamber sponsored town events. 23. Display your Chamber member certificate or decal prominently in your business. 24. Become an extension of your Chamber's visitor information center by keeping current on what to see and do in your town, so you can answer visitor questions. 25. Give your Chamber office staff a tour of your business to help them be able to better describe your business to visitors. Excerpted frmo RuralTorrisatMarketing.com "25 Ways You Can Support Your Small Town Chamber of Commerce" |