> What does your investment in the Chamber of Commerce get you?

What does your investment in the Chamber of Commerce get you?

There is a place for every business and professional person in the Windsor Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber provides the necessary channel through which action can be taken to improve and build the community. And, it develops constructive leadership in our community.

What does your investment in the Chamber of Commerce get you?

1. YOUR INVESTMENT helps the Chamber to be sure that there is individual incentive, initiative and freedom, and to be sure that the political, social and economic needs of the people within a community are met.

2. YOUR INVESTMENT gives you a new business partner, or a department of your business with top-flight business and professional men and women providing voluntary and willing committee or task force service people like yourself.

3. YOUR INVESTMENT gives you another pair of eyes. Eyes of specialized observers who maintain a watch on legislation, which affects every citizen of the community, and watching to be sure the "life quality" of the area be maintained.

4. YOUR INVESTMENT gives you another voice a "down to earth" voice of business, presenting "YOUR" views on legislation, taxes employment, trade, transportation and many other issues.

5. YOUR INVESTMENT gives you another pair of hands doing research, preparing letters, developing information, preparing publications, folders and pamphlets and telling the story of your market and your area.

6. YOUR INVESTMENT gives you an additional sales office. The staff and membership of the Chamber working as a voluntary group, tells the real story of YOUR community. They sell as they present facts and figures to potential new residents and businesses

7. YOUR INVESTMENT gives you a front office. The Chamber is a place where visitors gain their first impression of the soundness, and the hospitality of the community.

8. YOUR INVESTMENT helps the Chamber to be a central clearing house for community thought and action.

9. YOUR INVESTMENT enables the Chamber to help political leaders in every way possible to streamline and modernize local government machinery, and to assist government in its efforts to provide the necessary framework for community development.

10. YOUR INVESTMENT helps the Chamber carry out its yearly Program Of Work.

11. YOUR INVESTMENT helps the Chamber preserve and to strengthen the private enterprise economic system.

12. YOUR INVESTMENT helps to keep the Chamber working in the right areas to benefit your business.

13. YOUR INVESTMENT means the Chamber has the opportunity to do more and better things to help your business profit and examine new needs of the business community and expand our efforts in economic development and economic understanding.

14. YOUR INVESTMENT gives YOU the opportunity to let your feelings be known and get involved. The Chamber is active in many areas and your interests will probably fall in one of these areas.

15. YOUR INVESTMENT give you a stake in the community.

16. YOUR INVESTMENT is "plowed back" to yield manifold benefits in new industries, increased payrolls, health protection and safety legislation, business protection and community advancement.

17. YOUR INVESTMENT allows you to discharge your obligations to the community in which you live and/or earn a living, because everyone owes a debt of personal service to the community that cannot be paid-off in taxes.

18. YOUR INVESTMENT helps the Chamber protect and advance business through its broad program of work. This can only be done with your personal help and support.

19. YOUR INVESTMENT helps the Chamber unify the public spirit of our community and directs it into useful and constructive channels.

20. YOUR INVESTMENT helps the Chamber to create and express sound opinions on questions affecting the welfare of the whole community.

21. YOUR INVESTMENT helps the Chamber compete with other communities for new businesses and industries and payrolls.

22. YOUR INVESTMENT enables the Chamber to be a central over-all, voluntary organization and play a vital and essential role in the community's progress

23. YOUR INVESTMENT allows you and other members of the Chamber of Commerce team to make our community the kind of place you want it to be.

24. YOUR INVESTMENT supports the Chamber's role as a vehicle through which community problems may be identified and attacked, problems that defy solution by individual effort.

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First Town Chat
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Mar 8 at LP Wilson Community Center, 599 Matianuck Ave. Windsor
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Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
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Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks
Mar 18 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Tickborne Illness Support Group
Mar 22 at LP Wilson Community Center, 599 Matianuck Ave. Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Mar 23 at Windsor Train Station Studios
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
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Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Tickborne Illness Support Group
Feb 22 at LP Wilson Community Center, 599 Matianuck Ave. Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Feb 23 at Windsor Train Station Studios
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Feb 25 at Windsor Public Library 323 Broad Street Windsor, CT
First Town Chat
Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
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Fridays at 161 Broad Street, Windsor
Tickborne Illness Support Group
Feb 22 at LP Wilson Community Center, 599 Matianuck Ave. Windsor
Open Classroom at the WAC Studios
Feb 23 at Windsor Train Station Studios