Windsor Chamber of Commerce
Tourism Committee Meeting
February 11, 2014
Present: Jane Garibay, Paula Pierce, Ashley Williams, Christine Ermenc, and Phyllis Stargardter
Meeting Notes:
Walking Tour
Paula & John Waiveris are willing to set up a mobile web site for a stipend of $4,000 to be divided by Windsor Historical Society, WCC and FTDT over a two year period.
GPS with maps to be included.
Yearly Hosting fee of $300/yr paid to Hosting CT ($100 per organization) after the first two years.
Walking loop: Windsor Historical Society to St Gabriel’s Church
Larson’s Hardware, Washington St, Washington Park. Also include Pleasant St.
Historical and Points of Interest of existing buildings to be included.
Possible add-ons: Loomis Chaffee School and the Windsor River Walk.
Target launch date of June 1, 2015.
Agreed to not solicit sponsorship money.
Possible logo pending.
To Do List
WCC Paula will create prototype of mobile app.
WHS: Christine will update list of places to visit and update M.O.U.
FTDT: Ashley will check with Rick Esposito to see if permission is needed to include Loomis in the walking tour.
Next meeting will be Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 9:30 am at WCC office.