> Energy Savings and Weatherization Program

January, 2017show full yearClose
Event:Energy Savings and Weatherization Program
Date:January 25th, 2017.
Time:5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Location:Windsor Town Hall Council Chambers
Contact:Susan Nunes to RSVP 860-285-1839
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Energy savings & weatherization program to be offered on Wednesday, January 25 at the Windsor

Did you know that customers of Eversource
can choose their electric supplier?
Would you like to understand the “new look”
of your Eversource bill?
No matter how you heat your home, or if you own or rent,
energy professionals can show you ways to lower your
energy bill for immediate and long term-savings

Staff from the State of Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA)
will explain the process and provide information about licensed electric suppliers,
how you may reduce your monthly electric bill by switching suppliers and whether
choosing a supplier is right for you. They will also explain the information on your
A representative from Eversource, Home Energy Solutions, will also explain the features
of the Weatherization program and how to apply. The Home Energy Solutions
Income Eligible Program, provides a comprehensive energy assessment that can include
safety testing on heating, cooling & water heating systems, blower door guided
air sealing, LED & CFL lighting upgrades, and water saving measure.

Windsor Town Hall Council Chambers at 5:30 pm-7:00 pm including a light supper.
Please RSVP to Susan Nunes at 860-285-1839.

download: Energy_Savings__Weatherization_Program.1.25.17.pdf

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