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signuptoparticipatError /events/annualchamberevent/townwidesidewalksa/signuptoparticipat/ not found. |
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Lunch & Learn
The Affordable Care Act has left many of us facing high, up front deductibles, costly co-pays, as well as new financial issues. It has also created additional liabilities for the business owners and employees when faced with a critical illness or disability. You can't predict the future so it's a good time to plan ahead. The presentation will cover ways to provide income if you are unable to work due to an illness or injury. There is no charge for this event, Seating is limited so please RSVP soon. RSVP to Cindy Mauzaka by July 24th cmazuaka@cfr |
Walking Tour Expanding
Grab your smartphone, and enjoy! Phase 1, completed in mid-May, included historical sites and points of interest around Windsor center. . The next phase will include restaurants, shops and lodging in Windsor center. Windsor shops and restaurants, send us a photo of your storefront or sign and we'll use it on the site! The site will be expanded to other parts of town in Phase 2. Click on |
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Upcoming Events