Barbara Alex Betsey Kenneson Gordon Kenneson Carol Engelmann Bart's Beanery will be playing for First Town Downtown Central Connecticut folks have been coming to Bart's for the past 65 years for their famous chili dogs, fried clams, fresh fish, and soft serve ice cream. But what really brings the customers back is a sense of family and community. Bart's is a place where everybody knows your name. With the addition of The Beanery Bistro, friends have more choices for their dining experience! Whether it's gourmet coffee, baked goods, signature sandwiches, hot dinners or catering,they offer something for everyone! read more |
bartsError /Events/annualchamberevent/windsorfeud/pledgeforyourteam/barts/ not found. |
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diamondclubError /Events/annualchamberevent/windsorfeud/pledgeforyourteam/diamondclub/ not found. |
St. Gabriel School Angels
thebeanerybistroError /Events/annualchamberevent/windsorfeud/pledgeforyourteam/thebeanerybistro/ not found. |
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