> 20th Annual Chili Challenge

20th Annual Chili Challenge

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Presenting sponsor Windsor Federal Savings is pleased to announce the 20th annual Windsor Chamber of Commerce Chili Challenge on Saturday, October 3, 2015 (Rain date October 4th) on the Windsor Town Green from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. People from local businesses, civic groups and other creative cooks will assemble at this year’s Chili Challenge to determine who has the right “hot stuff.”

Join in on the tongue-tingling flavors, toe-tappin' sounds and a great time at the annual Chili Challenge! Samples of delicious chili will be available for $1 each. Contestants work on their recipes all year and try new flavors and heat levels. There are no-bean traditional chilis, chili with beans, vegetarian chili, meaty chilis, and every heat from mild to way hot. Do you dare try them all?

The Challenge has been on Columbus Day weekend for many years, but this year it has been moved back to the original date, the first weekend in October, to avoid conflicts with other activities such as the annual Soccer tournament and the Hartford Marathon.

Also new this year: the first twenty people, companies or organizations to register (and pay) for a Chili booth will be entered to win a $100 Geisslers gift card to help defray the cost of ingredients!

Chairperson Kathy Kopacz, says about the event, "The Chili Challenge has developed over twenty years into a not-to-be-missed fall tradition. It is a great day for people of all ages from the Greater Hartford area to get together and enjoy a great variety of chili and enjoy the creativity of our participants!"

The recipes are amazing. "There is always a great variety of chili tastes, creative costumes and plenty of family fun at this popular event," said Windsor Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Jane Garibay, "We are thrilled that so many cooks return again and again and we welcome our new chefs to the party as well."

Each contestant's booth includes costumed chefs reinforcing their booth's theme, to put them in the running for "Best Booth." Some past Best Booth winners were Hobbit Chili, Mad Scientists, and Willy Wonka Chili.

Prizes are awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place best tasting chili. In addition, prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the Best Booth category, always a crowd favorite, will be awarded. Those attending the event will have their say in determining 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners for the “People’s Choice Award.” Can you taste all the chili?

Chili sample tickets are $1.00 each. Great live entertainment will be on the green from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. For more information, call the Windsor Chamber of Commerce at 860-688-5165 or visit the Chamber of Commerce website at www.windsorcc.org.

Windsor Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization here to help businesses work together to support the local economy and enhance the quality of life in Windsor. Sign up to receive "What's Going on in Windsor?" email newsletter at www.WindsorCC.org/About/MailingListSignUp/

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